Home Authors Posts by Sam Davtyan

Sam Davtyan

Marketing Director at Digital Media Group, content marketing and digital PR agency based out of Salt Lake City, Utah.
street market

How To Market Your Small Business On A Low Budget

When you’re bootstrapping a startup, you often need to be incredibly ruthless about only paying for what you absolutely must. If you don’t have...
retail store

5 Primary Reasons Why You Should Relocate Your Business

Maybe your business just started, or maybe you’ve been working for years and are thinking that you might have the potential to...
man shows light bulbs

10 Business Ideas You Can Run From Home

In times of economic instability, entrepreneurship always increases. Businesses that can be run from home, without a lot of startup costs, are...
baseball team

7 Professional Athletes Who Became Successful Entrepreneurs

To succeed at the highest level of their sport, athletes must train regularly, push themselves to be among the very best in their field,...
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How Work Automation Trends Are Changing Entire Industries

Since the end of the Great Recession, American businesses have been heavily investing in industrial robots. Robotic workers have been an important part of...
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Ins and Outs of Firing an Employee That Customers Love

As an employer, you may eventually find yourself in the difficult position of needing to terminate an employee who your customers love. This situation...
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4 Visual Techniques to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

When you’re designing your webpage, you create some stellar text, choose a random format from your website host, and call it done,...
girl texting

How to Add Text Messaging to Your Marketing Campaign

It’s official; Americans love our smartphones. In particular, we love texting. We can send a message at any time of day and...
plant seedling

Myths About Generating Passive Income From Investments

Wouldn't you love to be able to make a few careful investments and then sit back and watch your bank account grow? Anyone would,...
boy watching tv

Is Permission Marketing Really Necessary For Small Businesses?

Starting a business can be expensive. You need to create marketing plan, build inventory, hire employees, get your physical marketplace ready. You may find...