
Business leadership news and resources for startups and self-employed solopreneurs.

business people work

4 Ways For Every Millennial Manager to Inspire more Productivity at Work

As a millennial manager, you should not be surprised that a lot more is expected from you. You are younger and expected to...
man playing chess

4 Ways To Become A Thought Leader

If you follow any of the content marketing experts currently in the social media sphere, you have probably heard the term “thought leader” discussed....
men running

Things 7 Successful CEOs Do Every Day

While every CEO needs to learn their own way to be successful, just like every other job, there are ways to learn what others...
business man

4 Ways To Build Your Personal Leadership Brand

Marketers no longer talk just about a company’s brand. If we look at the brand as similar to reputation, managers, leaders, and social media...

The Most Compelling Speakers Do These 14 Things

When you need to give an amazing presentation, it makes sense to model yourself on the very best speakers in the industry. After all,...

4 Ways to Become an Expert in Your Field

Everyone in the marketing world is talking about content marketing and with good reason. Good content marketing can drive your business, position you as...