Instagram For Business: 8 Effective Ways to Use Instagram For Advertising

instagram marketing

In 2021, social media presence is very crucial for marketers to survey in the competitive world. Nowadays, social media is incomplete without an Instagram. The reason is that Instagram has become a topmost platform for popular brands, advertisers, and consumers. 

This article will steer you in the perfect direction with 8 effective ways that can help you to improve your marketing on the Instagram platform. 

Let’s start! 

What are Instagram Ads? 

Instagram ads mean stories or posts that a business or brand pays to market to Instagram users’ feeds. It looks like a normal Instagram post, but everyone can identify as sponsored by using a “sponsored label” that appears on the posts. If you want to add a website link, use CTA options to get traffic & generate more sales. 

How Does Instagram Ad Work? 

Everyone can learn easily how to make Instagram ads via Facebook’s self-serve advertising platform since 2015. When you create an ad on Instagram, it’s completely controlled by you, which means how they appear on the screen, who sees them, and where it displays, etc. But, the sponsored posts and paid partnerships advertisements are posted directly from your own Instagram account. 

Here is the advantage method of Instagram advertising:

  • Audience Targeting
  • Limited pricing
  • Self serve and instant 
  • Sturdy report (you’re in control)

8 Types of Instagram Ads:

There are eight types of ads available on Instagram. You can use these ads and reach out to your business through the audience. Hereby, you can boost brand awareness and lead more sales. Finally, you will become the top marketer’s list. 

1. Stories Advertisement:

These types of ads are full-screen ads that display on the user’s Instagram stories. According to the survey, 500 million users are viewing Instagram stories per day. In this way, your Instagram story ad will reach more audiences and gain publicity for your brand. Using Instagram stories will help boost the brand awareness and engagement of your business. Keep increasing Instagram story views might help to get more organic views to your stories.  

Instagram stories allow some features for marketers, such as adding video filters and creative promotions, including face filters and attractive text. These stories look like normal stories for your target audience. The call-to-action feature allows a swipe-up at the bottom of the Instagram story. 

2. Video Advertisement:

Previously, Instagram used to allow just 15-second videos; after that, it lifted that rule. Now, Instagram allows up to one minute long videos and shoots in square format or landscape. It has a big chance to give users connected with your brand, business, services, and products. 

Creating a shorter video ad can be more useful to market your brand, especially if you add a brand in the first few seconds of the ad; it makes your brand curious. 

For instance, Tostitos Canada creates a short video campaign for increasing sales of Tostitos Scoops. Finally, the sales have risen by 5.5% 

3. Photo Advertisement:

This type of advertisement allows the brands to promote their products or services through compelling images. When you’re creating top-notch visual content, photo advertisements connect you with the Instagram platform to share it with even more viewers. Or else, you will make new content specifically to run for photo ads.

Do you think Instagram ad types can support the CTA (Call to action)? Yes, absolutely! You can add the CTA options in your Instagram stories. Also, do you want to allow viewers through Instagram ads and make a conversion? For instance, Revolut advertisement enables the Install to Now options via CTA to direct viewers can download the app from the store.

4. Carousel Advertisement:

Carousel ads can allow viewers to swipe through a series of two to ten images or videos with a single ad and use a call-to-action button to connect them directly to your website. West Elm uses these ads to highlight their products and show them a unique angle for their Instagram advertising campaigns. This ad format is completely similar to the Facebook method. 

5. Collection Advertisement:

An Instagram collection advertisement allows a compelling eCommerce feature. In this ad, you can buy the products from the ad directly. When the viewers click the ad, that link is directed to an Instant Experience Storefront on Instagram. 

This ad is a powerful advertisement by combining the power of videos, photos, and direct-response marketing from all in one.

The supported objectives from collections ads are conversations, traffic, and catalog sales. 

6. Instagram Explore Advertisement:

Explore ad presents on the Instagram screen where the viewers can find a new product and accounts. More than half a million Instagram users can access Explore per month.

Instagram Explore ads don’t display in the topic channels or Explore grid. Instead, these ads will appear on the Explore page when someone clicks any photo or video. You can now use your regular Instagram photo and video ads in Explore by selecting Explore as an extra placement. 

In this way, you can add more supported objectives such as app installs, video views, traffic, etc. You can also add various types of buttons like apply now, download, etc. 

7. IGTV Advertisement:

In 2018, Instagram introduced that IGTV advertising feature to the world. It’s customized explicitly for online marketers to enhance their brand. Hereby, you can give a detailed explanation to your Instagram users. You can make a 10 minutes long video and upload them to your account. More details of how IGTV ads will work yet clear, but content creators will receive 55% of the ad revenue.

8. Instagram Shopping ads:

When you create an Instagram Shopping ad, you can play shoppable posts as Instagram ads. This ad takes the buyers directly to a product description page within the Instagram app. If they are interested in your product, they can purchase it through your mobile website. Hereby, you can increase the sales revenue and get more traffic to your website. 


Generally, advertising strategies are playing a significant role in the part of marketing. It helps you introduce your products and services to the world and stimulate viewers to purchase any products. Mainly, Instagram marketing will increase your brand awareness and generate sales! So, you can create any type of ad for your brands and expand your market growth! 

Author Bio:

Helen Robert is a senior content writer who is working on She has a lot of interests to share tips about digital marketing, social media, and IOT blog. Her passion is spending time reading, cooking, traveling the world. 


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