Promotional Product Ideas that Improve your Brand Recognition and Creates Trust Around Your Brand

product gift

No business can do without its customers. No matter what products you sell or services you render, you still need customers–and happy ones at that. There’s so much competition for the same customers that If you’re not doing something creative to make your brand stick to your customers’ minds, you would be left behind. Research shows that 88% of people claim that they remember the advertisers better if they received a promotional product from them

Promotional products are the perfect tools to boost your brand recognition, loyalty, and revenue. Your customers would want to do business continuously if you show them you care. And that’s what promotional products are for. Here are some promotional product ideas that can help you achieve superstar status with new and existing customers.

Thoughtful Promotional Products

We all love it when our partners are thoughtful, don’t we? So you can bet that your customers would love it too. More than 50% of consumers have a favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving a promotional product. That’s a substantial amount in my books. Let’s say you’re hosting a seminar, a tradeshow, or something of the sort; some thoughtful promotional product ideas would be

  • Custom badges
  • Jotters
  • Highlighters
  • Bookmarks
  • Pen
  • Umbrellas
  • Beanies
  • Sweaters
  • Gloves
  • Lip balm
  • Plastic Cups
  • Insulated Thermos
  • Custom T-shirts

You might think these items are little, but your customers would love it a lot because you’re helping them take care of a need. It’s the thought that counts. It’s the same reason why your heart melts when your 4-year-old daughter makes a shoe out of macaroni for your birthday because she noticed that you wear the same shoes to work every day. Just try it and see.


You cannot go wrong with gadgets because of how long your customers can use them. According to a study, about 58% of consumers will keep promotional giveaways for 1 to 4 years.

This would even make them connect with your brand better because everyone loves a new gadget. Imagine you’ve been thinking about buying a power bank, but before you wrapped your head around getting it, you received one as a gift from one of the brands you patronize.

Nothing would contain the joy in your heart, and you might even write a long epistle about how you love the company on Twitter or Instagram. This would automatically bring attention to the brand.

Gadgets might cost you a bit, but see it as an investment. Your customers would feel indebted to you with high-value gifts.

You can do a raffle draw or something along the lines and award it to specific winners. The good thing about gadgets is their durability. They last longer than Pens and Lip balms. You automatically create a marketing team among your audience through your gifts because they would readily tell their friends about it whenever the opportunity arises.

Useful and Unique Gifts

Everything listed above is useful, but it’s not as creative. When anyone thinks about a promotional gift, the first thing that comes to mind is a jotter, pen, or T-shirt. But creativity always wins when it comes to gift-giving. Here are some unexpected unique, and, useful gifts that your customers would appreciate.

  • First-Aid Kit
  • Tool Box
  • Measuring Tape
  • Air freshener
  • Stress Ball
  • Rubik’s Cubes
  • Piggybank
  • Plant kit
  • Keychain flashlight
  • Clip Holders
  • Bottle Opener
  • Calendar Magnet
  • Custom Clocks

The list goes on, but the most important thing is understanding your audience and their needs. You can sort these gifts based on your customers’ location, gender, behavior, etc.

Gifts that Advertise Your Brands

All these gifts listed above will advertise your brand one way or the other, but some gifts would do the job better. Whoever sees the gifts would automatically know that it’s your brand because of your logo.

That’s why it’s important to give useful and lasting gifts. If your product is part of your customers’ daily routine, your product will be automatically advertised.

Imagine giving out something as simple as an umbrella to your customers in the rainy season. That’s continuous brand exposure for you.

To Sum Up

Promotional products are very beneficial to your brand in terms of brand exposure and loyalty. Studies show that 20% of consumers are willing to repeat purchases with the advertiser after receiving a promotional giveaway. It’s our human nature to repay good deeds, and with promotional gifts, your customers would want to repay you by patronizing you and telling their friends about your brand. Don’t see the initial cost of the promotional products as anything other than a marketing investment that would pay you big. Implementing these promotional product strategies into your content marketing ideas can significantly amplify your brand’s reach, turning one-time buyers into loyal customers

An inexpensive option is custom badges. They tick all the boxes in terms of price, durability, creativity, customizability, and marketing. You don’t have to worry about a custom badge breaking or fading like mugs or T-shirts. You’re the one who would throw it away after years of use, and this is what you want from any promotional product–to last.

They also leave a lasting impression of your brand in the minds of your customers whenever they see it on their backpacks, refrigerators, laptops, or wherever, your brand would ring in their minds.  As simple as it is, Custom badges are powerful marketing tools. An inexpensive option is custom badges


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