Home Technology Innovation


Technology innovation news and resources for startup businesses and self-employed solopreneurs.

cloud technology helps business grow

Cloud Technology as a Catalyst for Small Business Growth

As a small business in the modern era, you have unprecedented tools at your disposal to make sure that your business grows,...
robot teen

How Work Automation Trends Are Changing Entire Industries

Since the end of the Great Recession, American businesses have been heavily investing in industrial robots. Robotic workers have been an important part of...
robot human hand

How Can Small Businesses Prepare for the AI Future?

When many people think of artificial intelligence or AI, they tend to think of science fiction. Movies like I, Robot and Terminator...
technology computer

How Technology Is Changing Modern Hiring Processes

If you’ve found that your company is no longer attracting the very best candidates in the marketplace, you may not be targeting your postings...

ChatGPT: The Invisible Employee in a Solopreneur’s Business

Imagine a world where your business runs smoothly even when you're not around. Seems too good to be true? Guess what, it's...