While every CEO needs to learn their own way to be successful, just like every other job, there are ways to learn what others have done before you, and at least make a map of your path, based on their advice. These tidbits come from some of our favorite CEOs.
Mike Bloomberg Doesn’t Do Bad Days
According to Mike Bloomberg, bad days are a choice. You can’t control what happens in a day, says the mayor of New York and successful businessman in talks and lectures, but you can absolutely control how you respond to it.
This sounds very Pollyanna on its surface, but there’s a bigger message here. A bad thing might happen within your business, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it make your entire day bad. Nothing can do that except for you.
Aaron Webber Doesn’t Work With People He Wouldn’t Vacation With
Aaron Webber has worked in several different markets, and his top advice to new CEOs is not to work with people that they would not vacation with. To make a daily habit of working with people that are positive connections can help a CEO both to enjoy their work and to remember to invest time in personal relationships with their employees.
Every business runs better when there is a sense of comradery and friendship amongst the workers.
Severin Sorensen Stays Fit And Healthy
Severin Sorensen is both a CEO and a CEO coach through ePraxis. He makes time every day for healthy meals and fitness work. This advice comes up often with successful CEOs. While the image of a busy businessperson is to stay glued to their desk, putting out every fire as it comes up, the reality is more physical.
By getting up, walking around, playing a game or getting some exercise, CEOs have a chance to clear their minds and let in some fresh ideas and concepts.
Mahesh Thakur Stays Up To Date With Audiobooks
When Mahesh Thakur has time away from PhotoWeaver, his goal is to keep up to date with technology developments and personal development through audiobooks. In fact, he says, they are a busy CEOs best friend. You can listen to an audiobook while you are traveling, during a workout, or going for an evening walk.
Other CEOs also suggest making time for fiction in your rounds of self and work improvement. Studies have shown that reading fiction increases our ability to empathize with those who have a different point of view or life experience than ours.
Denis Oakley Spends a Third Of His Day Making His Company Better
As a veteran of five successful startups, Denis Oakley has a great deal of experience in helping businesses grow. His advice to young entrepreneurs is to spend about a third of their day focusing on finding new ways to make their company better.
For many startup CEOs, so much time is devoted to trying to put out fires and just get through the day that it can be difficult to make the company successful over time. By setting aside a certain portion of the day to focus on goal work and long-term planning, CEOs make sure that they’re not getting caught up in the details.
Their job, after all, is to delegate the details and plan for the big picture.
Lisa Dolev Makes Lists
Lisa Dolev keeps herself organized at Qylur by making lists. Specifically, she lists the top three things she needs to accomplish every day, and then moves on to list the three things Qylur needs to accomplish this week and this month to stay on track.
Being highly organized is key to being a successful CEO. Different strategies work well for different people; technology solutions, pen and paper planners, or sticky notes everywhere, finding the key to getting yourself organized is absolutely crucial.
Michael Bruch Looks At Social Media, But Doesn’t Obsess
Michael Bruch takes time at his desk every day at Willow to look at Twitter and see what Tech News has emerged. He’s careful to note, however, that he doesn’t obsess about what’s going on in social media. This point is key; social media is the primary way that new information is being disseminated in our connected world, and companies that want to be successful need to stay up to date.
If social media starts to distract a CEO from their work, however, that can be a problem. We all know the struggle of logging on to see if you have heard back from someone, and falling down a clicky-game black hole, emerging four hours later. Enjoy social media’s benefits, avoid the obsessions.
What habits do you cultivate as a CEO?